Request for Creative!


OPEN CALL - Extended deadline to July 2010

The Greenpoint Business Association (GBA) is seeking proposals from local “North Brooklyn” based artists, graphic designers and marketing experts to create a destination logo and slogan for the “village” of Greenpoint.

This is a long-term initiative – a revitalization of a thirty year tradition of business and community involvement!  We are seeking to create a “destination” brand for Greenpoint that will support the business community, giving us a stronger voice to influence the economic recovery of our “village.”

The goal of the program is to create a distinctive identifying logo and slogan that encompasses the unique nature of the Greenpoint “village” and drives commerce traffic along its corridors.

This logo and slogan will become the point representation of Greenpoint as a destination for shopping, culture and dining and will be used on all marketing initiatives. The design needs to be able to carry the message across various mediums, including but not limited to soft-goods e.g. totes and t-shirts, post cards, letterhead and flag pole banners, etc.

Please review existing Business Improvement Districts and Business Association branding around NYC to understand application of a destination logo and slogan.  Areas which we find an affinity with include:
o Bryant Park in NYC
o The Park Slope 5th Avenue Business Improvement District
o Riverwalk in San Antonio Texas
o The unique nature of Austin Texas

Please educate yourself on the history of the Greenpoint.  We are the second largest Polish community in the United States, therefore we are seeking to keep a European “village” feel with our destination, but also to create a logo and slogan that is eye catching and relevant to 21st century commerce.

The Greenpoint Business Association (GBA) is a newly revitalized association of merchants, businesses, property owners and community organizations.  Its mission is to support the business community of Greenpoint, Brooklyn by encouraging economic development through the success of business commerce within the 11222 zip code.

Logo / slogan designs – 5 to 7 ideas/concepts to be reviewed by the Greenpoint Business Association and its members for evaluation
The marketing committee will evaluate submissions to determine the final 5 – 7 submissions for review by the acting board of the GBA and the overall membership
Work will be submitted in a PDF format for initial review - emailed to
Final selected files will be submitted on a disc format in high resolution dpi for print and reproduction quality and low resolution jpeg
Contact information for individual / company
By submitting, the individual / company recognizes that the work submitted is a work for hire and becomes the property of the Greenpoint Business Association, in perpetuity for use at the GBA discretion.
Compensation TBD based on fee suggestions submitted by applicants – if a portfolio review and pricing review is requested prior to any submission please see contact information below.
Agreed compensation to include initial review and two opportunities for suggested changes and modifications to submission

Contact The Greenpoint Business Association – consulting coordinator Jennifer Hilton 718-389-9044 ext 15 or